(Long-est Scene)
You Lower my worth (Pedro)
(Long-est Scene)
You Lower my worth (Pedro)
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Female Trouble is my favorite movie (Yeah, I'm that kind of gay)
Here is an amazingly rare Divine song from the opening credits:
Divine - Female Trouble (zShare)
And here's some Edith Massey just because:
Edith Massey - Big Girls Don't Cry (zShare)
DELETED SCENE from Female Trouble
(The idea of deleted scenes makes me wet)
Amazing Divine Montage Video By Peaches ("Slippery Dick")
October 19, 1945 – March 7, 1988
Divine's wikipedia really pisses me off, there's not even a fucking picture
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With all the Simpsons Avatars as everyones main photos on mypace Tom thought to himself "Hey, I'm Tom, Ill just have Matt Groening do it for me"
"Cool-est" "Lucky-est" "Jealous-est"
The most iconic photo of our generation
(Sad but true)
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And I dont really understand it yet..
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On early Sat morning I was drunk-est, en route home. I was in the deli on 14th and 9th ave tryin to buy a bottle of water. Blocking the cash register was a group of girls buying 6 phillies, and they were telling me about the birthday party they just came from. The Birthday girl had vomit stains on her dress. One of the girls yelled to the back of the deli "Yo, 'blonde bangs', hurry up". Then Remy Ma said, "This aint blonde, its growin out". Remy Ma had just finished using the ATM and walked towards me and said "Hello Sweetie". I told her I was a "fan", then to prove myself we did a "Conceited" duet. It was a little bit amazing. She was mad cool and has an ill scar above her lip.
As soon as I walked outta the deli I texted Ezra, The Super Remy fan. By some eerie chance he was literally 3 blocks away and met me within 5 minutes. When he finally came he had Missed Remy and her friend by maybe a minute and a half. It was 3:38 and we walked towards 8th ave looking for her, we knew she had to be close. When we had walked to 8th Ave we had just missed Remy Ma shoot her friend on 9th Ave... Weird right?
Maybe it was the ATM fee, or me "rapping" to her?
Remy was on the run all day on then turned herself in at the end of the day on Sat.
Of Course Ezra is devastated
Get Ezra aka KINGDOM’s new track here
She seemed so pleasant, who woulda known she was gonna go shoot-a-bitch two seconds later.
Its actually kinda sad. Here's the victim, Makeda Barnes-Joseph's Myspace Profile
And this is a screen grab of her sisters “private” profile. She is PISSED and SAD-EST (as she should be-est)
In case you dont know what I am talking about: New York Times
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Cazwell's Watch My Mouth
What does Cazwell know about the "dirty South".
Big Up to Danilo ("No "hOmo")
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Have you seen this subway poster before? I wonder who the "lucky kid" is walking around with "that guy from Law and order" eyes...Who wants "old-est" eyes anyway...oh wait, Blind people do.
I didnt even know an "eye transplant" was even possible.
They Cut the middle of your eyes in a star shape and plop it into another eyeball.
And if an eye transplant doesnt work you can always get your EYEBALLS TATTOOED!
Image your eyes living after you die
sign me up
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Female masking is a sub-form of cross-dressing that involves, in addition to the wearing of women's clothing, a mask (usually made from latex) that gives a pseudo-real representation of a female face.....-wikipedia
Silence of the Lambs?
"Blame the internet"
They teach in our school and walk in our parks! (and pretend to be pregnant)
All Races and Sizes accepted!
"Nightmare Material"
"My Father Julie Masking"
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Voice Over Parodies
(Laughed so hard I almost threw up, but that could be beacuse I'm still drunk from last night))
they made me laugh too
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I was hoping there was gonna be more options, but whatever, Get your own Simpsons "avatar" here.
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