
Parade of the Delusional

I think that one of the "saddest" things in "life" is when people "think" they look like a "Celeb" (And it worse when they send them into their "city's" website)
Taken from

Is she blind?

Is this a good thing?

o..k… Here we go…

No one in the world has ever said she looks like Meryl. Seriously, NOT ONE PERSON


I like her

and her too. she's Drew when she went thru her “Trashy Phase”

they make me laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know those things on myspace where you put your pic n and it analyzes it and shows which celebs you look most like? I hate those things. Ugly people across the world are getting self-esteem from those things.
BTW who wants to look like the kid from Home improvement. Wasnt he the ugly weird one any way?